McGovern Applauds Strong December Jobs Report

Congressman Jim McGovern (D-MA) released the following statement today after the Department of Labor announced that the economy added 292,000 jobs in December:

“Today’s strong jobs report is a clear sign that the economy is moving in the right direction. In December, our economy added 292,000 jobs. In 2015 overall, America created 2.65 million jobs, making last year our second-best year of job gains since 1999. With a record 70 straight months of job growth, I am pleased to see more Americans, in Massachusetts and across the country, getting back to work.

“Even as the economy continues to recover, we still have more work to do. While wages have risen faster over the past year than at any time since the recovery, millions of Americans are still waiting for a raise. In the richest country on Earth, no one who works full-time should have to raise their family in poverty.

“Massachusetts is starting 2016 on a strong note by joining 13 other states to raise their minimum wage. But to make sure every hardworking American can earn a fair wage, Congress needs to step up to raise the federal minimum wage. When working families get a raise, they pump it right back into their local economies and this helps to support local businesses and spur even more job creation. Raising the minimum wage is one of the smartest things we can do to help more American families get ahead and if Republicans are serious about reducing poverty, they will make this a priority in 2016.”
