McGovern: January Jobs Report Shows Economy Continuing to Grow

Congressman Jim McGovern (D-MA) released the following statement today after the Department of Labor announced that the economy added 151,000 jobs in January, the unemployment rate fell to 4.9 percent – an eight-year low, and average hourly wages have now by 2.5 percent over the past 12 months. Following the creation of 262,000 jobs last month, January represents the 71st consecutive month of private sector job growth:

“With today’s jobs report, it is clear that 2016 is off to a solid start and our economy is continuing to move in the right direction. In January, our economy added 151,000 jobs and the unemployment rate dropped to 4.9 percent – the lowest it has been in eight years. Additionally, wage growth is showing momentum with average hourly wages up 2.5 percent in the last year. With a record 71 straight months of job growth, I am pleased to see more Americans, in Massachusetts and across the country, getting back to work.

“While our economy continues to recover, we know there is still have more work to do. Congress must do its part to help create more good-paying jobs and raise the wages of hardworking Americans in Massachusetts and across the country. It’s disappointing that House Republicans have instead spent January recycling more of their partisan bills that do nothing to help grow the economy.

“Building an economy that works for everyone starts with both parties coming together and I urge my Republican colleagues to join House Democrats as we work to support continued job growth, help increase the paychecks of hardworking families, and strengthen access to the middle class so the American Dream is within reach for all who seek it.”
