U.S. Rep. McGovern Statement on Colombia Bilateral Ceasefire Signing in Havana

Congressman Jim McGovern (D-MA), a senior House Democrat and co-chair of the bipartisan Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission, released the following statement on the Colombia Bilateral Ceasefire signing expected to take place in Havana, Cuba tomorrow.

“Today’s historic signing of a bilateral cease-fire between the Colombian government and the FARC guerrillas brings Colombia to the brink of concluding negotiations on a final peace accord.  After over a half-century of conflict and suffering, which has scarred nearly every family in Colombia, peace is no longer a fantasy, but an imminent reality.  Today’s announcement represents the commitment, hard work and patience of not only the government and guerrilla negotiators and their teams in Havana, but many people in Colombia and beyond, who persisted in the belief that a political solution is possible.  I also want to acknowledge the invaluable contributions of Cuba and Norway in the negotiating process and my support for the U.N. verification mission in its upcoming difficult job. 

“When negotiations are concluded and the Colombian peace accord finally signed, the United States and the international community must commit to providing funding and support to carry out the agreement over the immediate and long-term.  We must be generous and demonstrate that we will stand with the Colombian people to help them in their journey to achieve reconciliation, development and a just and lasting peace.”
