US Rep. McGovern Condemns Trump Sanctions Relief for Sudan

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today U.S. Congressman Jim McGovern (D-MA), a senior House Democrat and the co-chair of the bipartisan Tom Lantos Human Rights Foundation, released the following statement in response to the Trump Administration’s decision to provides permanent sanctions relief to Sudan. In July 2017, McGovern led a bipartisan group of more than 50 lawmakers calling on President Trump not to provide sanctions relief to Sudan. Click here to read the letter.

“I am deeply disappointed and opposed to the Trump Administration’s decision to provide permanent sanctions relief to the Government of Sudan, whose president and other high officials have been internationally indicted for genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes.

“I believe the so-called progress cited has been minimal, especially in the area of full, unrestricted delivery of humanitarian aid to all regions of Sudan. Further, this announcement legitimizes the murderous actions of the Sudanese government and military, coming so close on the heels of Sudanese security forces firing at unarmed protesters at the Kalma refugee camp in South Darfur on September 22nd, killing at least 6 and wounding 28 others, along with other attacks against civilians over the past three weeks.

“President Trump and President Bashir should understand that much more progress is required and any back-sliding will likely result in Congress reinstating sanctions. More importantly, as the U.S. now engages with Sudan, our policy must emphasize greater respect for human rights including religious freedom, political inclusion, an end to corruption, and genuine negotiations with all armed actors to achieve a just and lasting peace. No additional sanctions should be lifted or waived until these priorities are achieved, and I intend to introduce legislation later this month aimed at putting such a policy in place.”
