McGovern: GOP Tax Plan Hits 193K Mass. Families With Elimination of Medical Expense Deduction

Republicans’ Attack on Seniors and Families with Long-Term Medical Needs Steals Deduction Worth on Average $11,053

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today Congressman Jim McGovern (D-MA) condemned House Republicans for their devastating tax plan, which eliminates a key deduction for seniors and families with long-term medical needs, as well as families with severely disabled children.

According to an analysis from AARP, 193,544 Massachusetts families will lose a deduction worth on average $11,053 under the House GOP bill – all just to hand deficit-exploding, multi-trillion giveaways to the wealthy and corporations that ship jobs overseas.

Nationwide, nearly 9 million Americans claim the medical expense deduction. Altogether, the House GOP bill raises taxes on 36 million middle class families nationwide, according to the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center.

“Americans are sick and tired of a Republican Congress that cares more about taking healthcare away and giving tax cuts to the rich. The Republican tax plan’s destruction of the medical expense deduction is just the latest example of how their agenda will hurt Massachusetts families,” Rep. McGovern said. “Countless families with serious medical needs and parents of children with disabilities will no longer be able to afford the life-saving care they need. Seniors who have worked so hard to save for retirement will now see long-term care facilities yanked out of reach. This is absolutely shameful. I will stand up for Massachusetts families and fight this cruel Republican tax plan which would hurt so many in our state.”
