McGovern Slams Trump Administration's Decision to Restrict Flights to Cuba

"Shutting down these flights is a stupid political stunt."

WASHINGTON – Rules Committee Chairman James P. McGovern (D-MA), Co-Chair of the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission and a leading voice on improving relations between the United States and Cuba, released the following statement in response to the Trump Administration’s decision to suspend commercial flights to nine destinations in Cuba:

“Shutting down these flights is a stupid political stunt. It is absurd that this administration is taking away the freedom of American travelers to fly wherever they want. Our disagreements with the Cuban government should be handled through diplomacy and dialogue, not obsolete and unpopular restrictions from the Cold War that isolate us from our allies, embolden hardliners, hurt the people of Cuba, and undermine American companies that have made significant long-term investments to support these flights.

“This administration should spend less time on reversing the legacy of President Obama and more time reading up on why the travel ban and other travel restrictions have been a colossal failure that should be ended as quickly as possible.”