Houses Passes Bipartisan Resolution to build on 20 Years of Success in the McGovern-Dole Food Program

  • Fruits & Veggies

WASHINGTON— On Tuesday, Congressman Jim McGovern, Chairman of the House Rules Committee, led the passage of a bipartisan resolution with Republican Congressman Tracey Mann, calling on Congress to build on the 20 years of success of the George McGovern-Robert Dole International Food for Education and Child Nutrition Program.

The program, named after former senators George McGovern and Bob Dole, has provided life-saving meals in a school setting to over 31 million of the world’s most vulnerable children and is one of America’s signature child nutrition and food security programs. Congressman McGovern led a bipartisan charge 20 years ago to establish the program in the 2002 farm bill.

“McGovern-Dole represents the very best of this country,” Congressman McGovern said. “I’ve visited places like Colombia and Kenya and saw its impact firsthand, reducing hunger and increasing school enrollments, attendance, literacy, and the support of families and communities for education, especially for girls. It is an important example of what can be accomplished when Members of Congress put partisanship aside and make the welfare of children and families their number one priority and sends a powerful message to the world about who we are and what we stand for.”

“There’s a reason that both commodity groups and humanitarian organizations support the George McGovern-Robert Dole Food for Education and Child Nutrition Program,”Congressman Mann said. “Whether it’s wheat and sorghum from Kansas, red beans from Louisiana, or peanut butter formula made from Georgia peanuts, American commodities and the men and women who produce them are vital to the Program’s success. This resolution celebrates the Program’s twenty years of keeping kids fed and learning, and thanks American farmers and agricultural producers who provide the commodities required for it to function. I am grateful for Representative Jim McGovern’s consistent work on this issue and am pleased that the House passed our resolution by unanimous consent.”

More information about the George McGovern-Robert Dole International Food for Education and Child Nutrition Program can be found here.