Congressman McGovern Lauds "Peace Without Borders" Concert

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OVER ONE MILLION ATTEND -PAZ SIN FRONTERAS- CONCERT Mr. Speaker, on Sunday, an historic event took place in Havana, Cuba: An estimated 1.2 million people attended an all-star concert made up of many of the top Latin pop, rock and salsa stars from Latin America, Europe, Puerto Rico and Cuba. The concert, known as Paz Sin Fronteras, or Peace Without Borders, was the dream of Colombian…

Congressman McGovern Calls for Clearly Defined U.S. Mission in Afghanistan

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M. Speaker, I rise in support of this rule and in support of the Fiscal Year 2010 Defense Appropriations Bill, which the House will take up shortly. M. Speaker, H.R. 3326 is a good bill. It provides support for our military families, and it provides our troops with the funding and equipment they need to successfully perform their duties and carry out their assigned…

Kerry, Kennedy, McGovern, Frank: Fall River to Receive $4.4 Million for Critical Housing Programs

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Senators John Kerry and Edward Kennedy, together with Congressmen Jim McGovern and Barney Frank today announced that Fall River will receive a total of $4,396,672 from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for critical housing programs in the city. The federal funding comes as part of three national grant programs. The city will receive $3,020,812 as part of the…

Kennedy, Kerry, Frank and McGovern Express Disappointment over Coast Guard Letter Concerning Offshore LNG Proposal

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Senators Ted Kennedy and John Kerry, joined by Reps. Jim McGovern and Barney Frank, today expressed disappointment in a preliminary letter by Coast Guard Commander Raymond Perry which asserts that the Weaver's Cove Energy proposal for an offshore LNG terminal fulfills navigation and safety requirements. -This is certainly a set-back, but we won't give up the battle against this…

Reps. McGovern and Frank Announce Funding to Hire more Police Officers; Over $2 Million to Fall River

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U.S. Reps. Barney Frank (D-MA) and Jim McGovern (D-MA) today applauded the U.S. Department of Justice for awarding $2,117,220 to the City of Fall River under the COPS program. Fall River will use this funding, under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act -- the so-called -stimulus bill- -- to employ 10 police officers. The grants will provide 100 percent of the approved salary and…

Congressman Jim McGovern Calls for U.S. Exit Strategy in Afghanistan

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Mr. Speaker. I rise to express my strong concern over US policy in Afghanistan. I worry that we are getting sucked deeper and deeper into a war with no end. Our mission continues to grow and grow, with no clear sense of where we are ultimately going. It has been eight long years. We have lost too many brave men and women. And we have spent billions and billions of…

Congressman McGovern's Statement on the Passing of Senator Ted Kennedy

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No one can ever fill his shoes. But we can, and must, follow in his footsteps. The work goes on, and the cause endures. The best tribute we could pay him is a renewed vigor in the fight to see his dreams realized. The world is going to miss Ted Kennedy. I already do. He was my inspiration, my mentor, my colleague and my friend. Slán go foill, Senator. Jim McGovern

Common Health Care Reform Myths Re-butted

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The following contains common myths associated with HR 3200, commonly known as the Health Care Reform bill. This information rebutts some of those myths and was researched and assembled by the Members and staff of 3 Congressional Committees; Energy and Commerce, Ways and Means, Education and Labor. Pg 22 of the HC Bill MANDATES the Govt will audit the books of ALL EMPLOYERS that self…

Congressman McGovern on the House's Modified Version of the Health Insurance Reform Bill

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Dear Friend, As you know, the leadership in the House of Representatives recently introduced a modified version of the health insurance reform bill. There have been several important modifications to the legislation. For example, the modified bill begins to close the so-called Medicare prescription drug benefit -donut hole- immediately. I've included several links here that I hope you…

Congressman McGovern's Statement on PAYGO Legislation

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Tags: Budget

Click image to play video M. Speaker, I rise in strong support of this rule and in support of the underlying statutory PAYGO legislation. As a member of the Budget Committee, I am proud to be an original co-sponsor of this bill, and I want to thank our incredible chairman, John Spratt, for all of his hard work. Some of my colleagues may be asking themselves, -Why the heck is a liberal…