U.S. Rep. Jim McGovern End Hunger Now Speech: Honoring Donna Lombardi

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Congratulations to Donna Lombardi, the Director of Nutrition for the Worcester Public Schools in my hometown of Worcester, Massachusetts, for receiving the Healthy Start Leadership Award. This award is being presented by the EOS Foundation, a Massachusetts-based foundation that is committed to expanding universal, free breakfast in the classroom across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.


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At a ceremony in Worcester on May 14, 2014, U.S. Rep. Jim McGovern honored four local students that have received appointments to United States Service Academies. A total of four students from the 2nd Congressional District have received service academy appointments to join the Class of 2018.

U.S. Rep Jim McGovern Remarks On H. Res. 418, to End the Persecution of the Rohingya in Burma and Protect Ethnic and Religious Minorities

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Over 800,000 people of Rohingya ethnicity live in Burma, mostly in the state. Even though many Rohingyas have lived in the Rakhine for generations, the Burma Citizenship Law of 1982 has excluded them from approved ethnic groups, thereby rendering them stateless and vulnerable to exploitation, violence and abuse. I am very proud to rise in support of this resolution urging the Government of Burma to end the persecution of the Rohingya people and respect internationally recognized human rights for all ethnic and religious minority groups within Burma.

Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission Co-Chairmen Express Outrage Over Boko Haram Kidnappings in Nigeria

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Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission co-chairmen James McGovern (D-MA) and Frank Wolf (R-VA) welcomed the announcement by Secretary Kerry that the United States will be offering military and law enforcement assistance support to the Nigerian government with the aim of finding and securing the release of nearly 300 missing Nigerian schoolgirls.

U.S. Rep. Jim McGovern Announces Yiddish Book Center as a Recipient of 2014 National Medal for Museum and Library Service

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U.S. Rep. Jim McGovern announced that the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) has selected the Yiddish Book Center, Amherst, Mass, as a recipient of a National Medal for Museum and Library Service. The National Medal is the nation’s highest honor given to museums and libraries for service to the community.

U.S. Rep. Jim McGovern and U.S. Economic Development Administration Announce Federal Investments to Boost Business Development and Job Growth in Worcester

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U.S. Rep. Jim McGovern joined U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development Matt Erskine to announce a $1 million U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) grant for the Worcester Technology and Idea Development Exchange (TIDE) and to tour the future home of the Massachusetts Digital Games Institute (MassDiGI) New Venture Center (NVC) at Becker College.