Statement of U.S. Rep. Jim Mcgovern on Iraq

The United States cannot solve the problems of Iraq, or the consequences of a corrupt, authoritarian government that failed to govern on behalf of all the people of Iraq.

The United States cannot solve the problems of Iraq, or the consequences of a corrupt, authoritarian government that failed to govern on behalf of all the people of Iraq.  After demanding that U.S. forces leave the country, Prime Minister Maliki is now asking the United States to use military force to save his government.  Ending the war in Iraq was not a mistake, but renewing it would be. I oppose military airstrikes and sending even more weapons. We've sent enough. It's time the Iraqi government acted like a government and for Iraqi forces to stand up and protect their people.  Since the crisis in Iraq has implications for the entire region, it requires a multilateral diplomatic response to contain it.  I call on President Obama to work with all nations in the region, the Arab League and the United Nations to address the political concerns threatening stability throughout the region.  I also ask the President to place a priority on responding to the safety, protection and needs of Iraqi civilians placed in peril in the days and weeks to come.