Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission Co-Chairmen Condemn Massive Human Rights Abuses by the Syrian Government and Call on the United Nations to Place Strong Pressure on the Assad Regime to Stop the Violence

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Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission Co-Chairmen Condemn Massive Human Rights Abuses by the Syrian Government and Call on the United Nations to Place Strong Pressure on the Assad Regime to Stop the Violence Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission Co-Chairmen James P. McGovern (D-MA) and Frank R. Wolf (R-VA) today strongly condemned the Syrian government for continuing to commit massive…

U.S. Rep. Jim McGovern: Statement on Bahrain

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Congressman James P. McGovern (D-MA) today urged the Bahraini government to allow Bahrainis to assemble and express their political views on February 14 in commemoration of the one-year anniversary of the outbreak of major demonstrations in Bahrain. Congressman McGovern also urged the Bahraini security forces and Bahraini protesters to refrain from the use of violence on the…

U.S. Rep. McGovern's Statement on Libya

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-Today the Libyan people, in their struggle to regain control over their own lives and destiny, have reason to celebrate. For the U.S., it is an important moment to reaffirm our commitment to work with Prime Minister Jabril and the Transitional Council to create a diverse and representative democracy, grounded in the rule of law and respect for the human rights of all Libyans. The…

Reps. McGovern, McDermott & Ellison Call On Egyptian Govt. to Stop Violence

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U.S. Congressmen Jim McDermott (D-WA), Keith Ellison (D-MN), Jim McGovern (D-MA) issued the following statement today regarding the situation in Egypt: -We are deeply concerned with the Egyptian government's use of security forces and violence against demonstrators throughout Egypt. Egyptians are on the streets to address legitimate grievances. Such heavy-handed response by the…

Congressman McGovern Joins Bipartisan Letter to President on Eve of Nato Meeting on Afghanistan

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Ten bipartisan members of the House, led by U.S. Rep. Jim McGovern (D-MA) and U.S. Rep. Walter Jones (R-NC) sent a letter to President Obama expressing their -grave concerns- about the course of U.S. policy in Afghanistan. The letter came on the eve of the President's trip to Lisbon for a NATO meeting. The text of the letter follows: Dear Mr. President, We write to you, Mr.…