Congressman McGovern statement on Libya

Congressman McGovern's statement on Libya.

Congressman McGovern's statement on Libya.

-For several weeks now I have been calling for an internationally-enforced no-fly-zone over Libya in order to prevent Colonel Qadaffi from slaughtering his own people. I agree with President Obama that U.S. ground troops should not be committed to this effort, and that our international partners should soon take the lead. Whether or not Qadaffi remains the leader of Libya must, in the end, be up to the Libyan people. I am troubled about pressure to expand the military operation and the many unanswered questions about Libyan opposition forces. I urge the House leadership to call the Congress back into session as soon as possible so that Congress can exercise its constitutional responsibility to clearly spell out the mission and limits of U.S. military engagement in Libya. And I urge the Obama Administration to consult with Congress and to engage us at every possible opportunity as this crisis continues to unfold.-