U.S. Reps. McGovern, Wolf Endorse President Obama's Human Rights Initiative to Prevent Mass Atrocities and Prohibit Human Rights Violators from Entering the USA

Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission Co-Chairs James P. McGovern (MA) and Frank R. Wolf (VA) today endorsed President Obama's directive aimed at both preventing mass atrocities and prohibiting human rights violators from the privilege of entering the United States.

Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission Co-Chairs James P. McGovern (MA) and Frank R. Wolf (VA) today endorsed President Obama's directive aimed at both preventing mass atrocities and prohibiting human rights violators from the privilege of entering the United States.

Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission Co-Chairmen Strongly Endorse President Obama's Human Rights Initiative to Prevent Mass Atrocities and Prohibit Human Rights Violators from Entering the United States

Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission Co-Chairs James P. McGovern (MA) and Frank R. Wolf (VA) today endorsed President Obama's directive aimed at both preventing mass atrocities and prohibiting human rights violators from the privilege of entering the United States.

Rep. McGovern declared, -I strongly agree with the President's statement that preventing mass atrocities is a core national security interest and a core moral responsibility. I've seen first-hand in places like East Timor, Darfur and eastern Chad what happens when people are in danger and the world fails to act. The President is right to elevate these critical human rights issues. I look forward to working with the Administration and my Congressional colleagues to support and enhance the President's goals of halting human rights violations before they occur and ensuring the United States reinforces its ‘no safe haven' policy against human rights violators and war criminals.-

Rep. Frank Wolf stated, -The United States has a responsibility to prevent genocide. I am pleased to see the President taking proactive measures to ensure that the world's worst human rights violators are not given the opportunity to enter the United States. By elevating the concerns found by the board to senior levels, we can prevent future tragedies from occurring. We must not forget the tragic history of Rwanda and Darfur. The United States cannot continue to turn a blind eye to slaughter.-

The bipartisan Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission was established in the U.S. House of Representatives to educate Members of Congress on human rights issues and advocate on behalf of human rights defenders world-wide.