RELEASE: Statement of U.S. Rep. Jim McGovern (D-MA) on Senate passage of Russia PNTR/Magnitsky bill

Congressman Jim McGovern, the House author of the Magnitsky bill, released a statement today following Senate passage of HR 6156.

Congressman Jim McGovern, the House author of the Magnitsky bill, released a statement today following Senate passage of HR 6156.

Congressman Jim McGovern, the House author of the Magnitsky bill, released the following statement today following Senate passage of HR 6156:

-Today is a landmark day in the history of U.S. human rights policy. With the Senate's passage of the Magnitsky bill, we have established a critical precedent that human rights is an essential component of trade legislation. It's important to note that this language will apply to all human rights violators in Russia - not just those responsible for Sergei Magnitsky's murder. I want to commend the members of the Senate - particularly my friends Ben Cardin and John Kerry - for their tireless efforts. And I look forward to working with them in the next Congress to extend this language globally.-