U.S. Reps. McGovern, Wolf, Capuano introduce new legislation on Sudan

U.S. Rep. Jim McGovern (D-MA) today joined with U.S. Reps Frank Wolf (R-VA) and Mike Capuano (D-MA) in introducing HR 1692, the "Sudan Peace, Security and Accountability Act of 2013."


U.S. Rep. Jim McGovern (D-MA) today joined with U.S. Reps Frank Wolf (R-VA) and Mike Capuano (D-MA) in introducing HR 1692, the "Sudan Peace, Security and Accountability Act of 2013."

2013 marks ten years since the start of crimes in Darfur that the U.S. government found to constitute genocide. HR 1692 bill builds on previous bipartisan efforts to help the people of Sudan by requiring the Administration to create a comprehensive strategic plan to end serious human rights violations, provide genuine accountability for crimes committed in Darfur and other parts of Sudan, support the path for democratic transformation, and create peace throughout all of Sudan.

"There comes a time when we have to say 'enough is enough,'" Rep. McGovern said on the House floor today. "Khartoum's abuse of its own people is nation-wide, and this bill focuses on Sudan as a whole. We must send a clear message to Khartoum that the time for change is now. That these abuses must stop. And that peace and genuine participation in the future of Sudan are rights that belong to all of the people of Sudan. I want to commend my colleagues Frank Wolf and Mike Capuano for all of their tremendous work on this issue."

"It is time for a comprehensive approach to Sudan that doesn't allow Khartoum to pit one crisis against another," Rep. Wolf said. "For too long, the people of Sudan have suffered greatly at the hands of an internationally indicted war criminal. We need a renewed sense of moral clarity in our approach toward Sudan, which includes getting serious about bringing Sudanese president Omar Bashir to justice - if enacted, this legislation will make significant strides toward that end."

"There is still far too much suffering in Sudan and this bill expands existing sanctions so that they apply to human rights violations in the whole country, not just Darfur, which has been the site of such horrific violence," Rep. Capuano said. "For too long, the people of Sudan have been subject to unimaginable atrocities and we must continue doing everything we can to ease their misery."

Original co-sponsors of HR 1692 include (Republicans in bold): Reps Mike McCaul (TX,) Barbara Lee (CA), Aaron Schock (IL), Karen Bass (CA), Jan Schakowsky (IL), Raul Grijalva (AZ), Chris Van Holloen (MD), Donna Edwards (MD), William Lacy Clay (MO), Gwen Moore (WI), Carolyn Maloney (NY), John Conyers, Jr. (MI), Peter DeFazio (OR), André Carson (IN), Brad Sherman (CA), David Cicilline (RI), Hank Johnson, Jr. (GA), Betty McCollum (MN), Mike Michaud (ME), Bobby Rush (IL), Jim Moran (VA), Ed Markey (MA), Mike McIntyre (NC), and Jared Polis (CO)