McGovern's statement on the conviction of Sergei Magnitsky

"I am very disappointed, though not surprised, by the Russian judiciary’s unprecedented posthumous conviction of Sergei Magnitsky - a new despicable act in the ordeal of the courageous lawyer."

Thursday, July 11, 2013

"I am very disappointed, though not surprised, by the Russian judiciary’s unprecedented posthumous conviction of Sergei Magnitsky – a new despicable act in the ordeal of the courageous lawyer. It is clear to me and the rest of the international community that the posthumous trial and its verdict have been orchestrated by the Russian authorities in order to shift attention from their own misguided and criminal actions and corruption. This awful miscarriage of justice epitomizes the Kremlin’s arrogant disregard for human rights, the rule of law, and the basic dignity of its own citizens. Today I stand in support of Sergei Magnitsky's family and with those who continue to oppose an abusive regime."