U.S. Congressman Jim Mcgovern (Ma02) Statement on the Announced Iran Framework Agreement

Today, we witnessed what months of determined diplomacy can accomplish – the announcement of a framework for drafting a final agreement on stopping the progress by the Government of Iran to develop nuclear weapons.

Today, we witnessed what months of determined diplomacy can accomplish – the announcement of a framework for drafting a final agreement on stopping the progress by the Government of Iran to develop nuclear weapons.  

As outlined by the framework, the final agreement would not only be a “good deal” – it has the potential of being an historic one.  A strong and verifiable final agreement will also avert the U.S. and other nations from engaging in yet another war in the Middle East, which I believe is an unthinkable alternative.  At the same time, this framework and the final agreement would strengthen all efforts to contain nuclear weapons globally.

I congratulate Secretary of State Kerry, the negotiators from Iran and our P5 + 1 partners for their steadfastness and courage.  In the coming weeks, I will continue to closely monitor the drafting of the final agreement.  As President Obama stated, the details of a final agreement matter and must match the sweeping framework announced today.