Timeline of Congressman McGovern's Push for AUMF Vote
Washington, DC,
June 20, 2019
September 14, 2018: McGovern Joins Congresswoman Barbara Lee in sending a bipartisan letter to President Trump urging him to consult with and obtain authorization from Congress before ordering any additional U.S. military action in Syria. Feb 11, 2015: McGovern welcomed President Obama’s draft AUMF and urged Speaker Boehner to bring it to the floor for a vote. Sep 19, 2014: McGovern and Rep. Tom Cole (R-OK) led bipartisan letter urging House leadership to bring AUMF to floor for a vote. Sep 18, 2014: McGovern objected on House floor to measure that stalls AUMF vote. Aug 28, 2014: McGovern led bipartisan letter calling for debate and vote on AUMF in Iraq. Aug 8, 2014: McGovern said if President Obama’s air strikes on Iraq continued into September, Congress would need to authorize them. July 11, 2014: McGovern introduced bipartisan privileged resolution (PDF) to direct President Obama to remove U.S. troops from Iraq. (video of floor speech). Passed two weeks later with overwhelming bipartisan support by a 370-40 vote. Jun 13, 2014: McGovern opposed military air strikes and weapons aid for Iraq. May 27, 2014: McGovern welcomed announced reduction of U.S. troops in Afghanistan, but said maintaining any troop presence beyond 2014 must by authorized by Congress. May 22, 2014: McGovern demanded vote to complete transition of U.S. combat and military security operations to Afghan authorities by end of 2014. |