Congressman McGovern Calls Iran Deal Major Step Forward for American Diplomacy

Today, Congressman Jim McGovern (MA-02), a senior House Democrat and co-chair of the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission, released the following statement on the Obama Administration's announcement that it has reached an agreement with Iran.

“Today’s historic nuclear agreement between the U.S. and Iran is a major step forward for American diplomacy,” Congressman McGovern said. “This deal is built on the framework reached in April and the product of months of principled negotiation. I commend the President as well as Secretary Kerry and Secretary Moniz for their courage, determination, and leadership in working with the P5 + 1 partners to make this deal a reality.

“Preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon is essential to the security of the U.S., the Middle East, and countries around the world,” McGovern added. “With this agreement we have an opportunity to avert the unthinkable alternative of yet another war in the region and advance the broader goal of containing nuclear weapons globally. Along with my colleagues in Congress, I look forward to carefully reviewing the agreement and having a robust debate.”
