McGovern Joins Pelosi on Congressional Delegation to China

Congressman Jim McGovern (MA-02) is joining Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi on a Congressional delegation trip to China, departing today and focusing on economic growth, national security and cyber security issues, human rights and the importance of bold action to reduce carbon pollution.

“In today’s global world, it is more important than ever for the United States to work with our international partners to tackle the challenges we face,” Congressman McGovern said. “On this trip, I look forward to continuing the dialogue between our two nations as we discuss ways to grow the global economy, address climate change, and strengthen human rights. I look forward to a constructive trip and I am grateful to Leader Pelosi for her work to lead this delegation.”  

“Our delegation travels to China seeking to expand cooperation between our nations in advancing economic growth and confronting the climate crisis that threatens our world,” said Leader Pelosi.  “Our Members will also seek to engage in constructive dialogue on human rights, cyber threats, and other national security and stability issues of concern.”

As Co-Chair of the bipartisan Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission, Congressman McGovern has been a leading voice in the push for reforms in China to strengthen human rights there.

The delegation will meet with local Chinese government officials, students, and civil society.

In addition to Leader Pelosi and Congressman McGovern, the Members of the delegation include Representatives Betty McCollum (D-MN), Timothy Walz (D-MN), Joyce Beatty (D-OH), Alan Lowenthal (D-CA), and Ted Lieu (D-CA).
