McGovern Rides from Worcester to Boston to Highlight New Transit Benefit for Massachusetts Commuters
Boston, MA,
March 10, 2016
WORECESTER and Today, Congressman Jim McGovern (D-MA) rode from Worcester to Boston to highlight a permanent increase in the commuter tax benefit for mass transit riders that was included in a bipartisan multi-year tax package that was signed into law in December 2015. Joining Congressman McGovern were MassDOT Secretary and CEO Stephanie Pollack, MBTA General Manager Frank DePaola, Association for Commuter Transportation (ACT) Executive Director David Strauss,and Edenred COO Meltam Korkmazel as well as leaders from T4Mass, ABC TMA, and MassCommute. As a result, mass transit commuters in Massachusetts and around the country will be able to receive up to $255 a month in transit benefits. Congressman McGovern has long championed commuter benefit parity, introducing legislation, playing a key role getting it included in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, and fighting to extend and make it permanent. “Helping Massachusetts commuters by restoring this mass transit benefit has been a top priority for me and I’m glad that both parties came together in December to make this benefit permanent,” Congressman McGovern said. “This is a big win for Massachusetts, creating big savings for the thousands of workers who take the train to Boston every day and offering employers another great benefit they can use to attract top talent. I look forward to riding from Worcester to Boston to talk about all the ways this will help our families and grow the economy.” BACKGROUND:
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