U.S. Congressman McGovern Statement on Passing of Fidel Castro

Today U.S. Congressman Jim McGovern (D-MA) released the following statement on the passing of Fidel Castro. Congressman McGovern has been a leading voice in the effort to begin a new chapter in U.S.-Cuba relations, traveling to Cuba frequently over the past 30 years and meeting with President Fidel Castro and other Cuban leaders to support reforms and advance opportunity for both countries.

Congressman McGovern joined President Obama when he traveled to Cuba earlier this year and in August 2015, Congressman McGovern joined Secretary Kerry in Havana for the re-opening of the U.S. Embassy in Cuba. Additionally, in December 2015, Congressman McGovern helped launch a bipartisan Cuba Working Group to build on the historic progress begun under President Obama’s new policy.

“Today is the end of an era for Cuba, the United States, and the world as we mark the passing of Fidel Castro.

"For more than 50 years the relationship between the United States and Cuba has often been defined by divisions. In the last two years, I have been proud to work with Republicans and Democrats to open a new chapter and advance the economic and political reforms that will strengthen human rights and benefit all Cuban people.

“In my travels to Cuba, I have been grateful to find ways for our two countries to work together, including our joint effort to conserve and restore the Cuban home of Ernest Hemingway, the Finca Vigia. This historic U.S.-Cuban collaboration to save an important piece of our shared culture, initiated under a Republican president and continued by a Democratic one, is a shining example of how all parties can come together to work toward a brighter future.

“In my meetings with President Castro and other Cuban leaders, I expressed strong disagreements on human rights and pushed for needed reforms, but also recognized their efforts to expand education and healthcare for the Cuban people. Today, we offer condolences to the family of Fidel Castro and our thoughts and prayers are with the Cuban people.

“Now is a time for our two countries to continue the important work of finding common ground and working together to advance opportunity and prosperity for both our people and nations. More than ever the U.S. must continue to be a friend and partner to the Cuban people as we work together to expand opportunity for our two countries through trade, travel, and political engagement.

“It is time to remove all restrictions and impediments between our two nations, help reunite the Cuban family, and build a respectful, prosperous and democratic future that supports the rights and aspirations of all the Cuban people as we begin this new chapter.”
