Mass. Delegation Pushes to Protect Air Control Towers from Closure

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Mass. Delegation Pushes to Protect Air Control Towers from Closure Six towers in Massachusetts face closure without a long-term budget solution Washington (November 25, 2013) – In an effort to avert economic, security and safety hazards caused by the potential closure of six Massachusetts air traffic control towers, Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), a member of the Senate…

Reps. McGovern, Lee, Jones send letter to President Obama calling for troop withdrawal from Afghanistan

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In light of the newly public draft security agreement between the United States and Afghanistan suggesting the possibility of an American troop presence in Afghanistan past 2014 and into 2024, a bipartisan group of Congressional leaders, Reps. Barbara Lee (D-CA), Walter Jones, Jr. (R-NC), and Jim McGovern (D-MA), have sent a letter today to President Obama calling for a full withdrawal of U.S. troops and asserting Congress' role in approving any further presence.

Mass. Congressional Delegation Announces Resolution on Boston Red Sox World Series Victory

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The Massachusetts Congressional Delegation today announced a resolution congratulating the Boston Red Sox on their 2013 World Series victory against the St. Louis Cardinals, honoring past and present Red Sox legends for their contributions to the Red Sox organization, thanking the world championship team for their dedication to the City of Boston and all of Red Sox Nation, and recognizing the players' embodiment of 'Boston Strong.'

Rep. Jim McGovern's opening statement to the Farm Bill Conference Committee

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Mr. Chairman, there are important parts of this Farm Bill that will impact Massachusetts and New England. The dairy, conservation, and specialty crop provisions are especially critical for the part of the country I represent and I strongly support full and robust dairy, conservation, and specialty crop provisions in the final conference report. I’m also pleased to see that both the…

Failure of Labor Action Plan in Colombia Holds Lessons for Trans-Pacific Partnership Trade Agreement Negotiations, Says Congressional Report

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Weak enforcement of existing labor laws and continued violence against labor leaders in Colombia more than a year after the implementation of the U.S.-Colombia Labor Action Plan should offer important lessons of what not to do in future trade agreements, concluded a report issued today by Reps. George Miller (D-Calif.) and James McGovern (D-Mass.).